Whey Protein, Whey Isolate or Mind & Body protein blend? What's the difference?

All are great options for providing protein and all essential amino acids to your body, but the most significant differences are:

A 2lb pouch of TAHA chocolate whey protein on a light blue background.

Whey protein

A great choice for every active lifestyle

  • 25g whey protein per serve
  • Contains a low amount of fat and carbohydrates (sugar/lactose)
  • Contains all essential amino acids
  • Slightly lower concentration of BCAA's at 6.2g per serve vs 7.9g for Isolate.
  • Lower price point than Isolate
Shop Whey Protein
Isolate or Concentrate?
Isolate or Concentrate?
Isolate or Concentrate?
Isolate or Concentrate?
A 2lb pouch of TAHA mocha whey protein isolate on a light blue background.

Whey isolate

The purest protein on the planet!

  • 30g whey protein isolate per serve
  • Further filtered than regular Whey Protein
  • All fat and carbohydrates (sugar/lactose) are removed
  • Contains all essential amino acids
  • Higher content of BCAA's at 7.9g vs 6.2g per serve for regular whey protein
  • Higher price point due to higher purity of protein
Shop Whey Isolate
How is the mind & body blend different?
How is the mind & body blend different?
How is the mind & body blend different?
How is the mind & body blend different?
A 2lb pouch of TAHA natural unfavored Mind & Body protein blend on a light green background.

Mind & Body protein blend

Your one stop shop for body, mind and soul support!

  • 25g of total protein per serve
  • 2.5g VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides for hair, skin and nails
  • 400mg of Nutiani Milk Phospholipids for brain health
  • Contains all essential amino acids
Shop Mind & Body blends
A woman stretches by clasping her hands behind her back with straight arms while lunging. She has dark braided hair, a grey T-shirt, black yoga pants, and black running shoes. The background is lit with green and pink lighting, which merges to create a mesmerizing effect.

Functional ingredients

What are Phospholipids?

Phospholipids are vital nutrients for our brain cells, keeping them functioning properly and supporting our thinking and memory.

Human brains are comprised of about 50% of these kind of lipids, but they naturally deteriorate as we age, and our brain cells lose their shape and functionality. Kind of like a balloon deflating over time, this gradual reduction in phospholipids contributes to cognitive decline and memory loss.

Supplementing with Nutiani™ Phospholipids helps to rebuild your brain cells from the inside, keeping all the good stuff in. They are clinically proven to help with stress management, positive mood, cognition and focus.

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How do Phospholipids help me?


Helps you to stay positive
and perform under stress.


Helps you to manage stress by reducing the release of the stress hormone cortisol in your brain.


With less cortisol floating around in yoru brain, phospholipids can help you to remain focused and on point, all the time.


Phospholipids support the transmission of information between brain and nerve cells. Called "neurotransmission", it drives all types of thinking and memory.

A young woman with dark hair tied into a bun is touching her face while smiling. The image is cut in half so you can only see the right side of her face.

What are VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides?

VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides have clinically proven benefits for skin, nail and hair care. It helps with skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles, fine lines and cellulite, improves skin surface, hair smoothness and strength and helps with brittle and cracked nails.These benefits have been confirmed by six VERISOL®-specific, high-level published clinical studies, and at a lower dose (2.5g/serve) than most brands suggest is required.

Not all collagen is made the same!

In a nutshell, the different molecular sizes of different collagens target and stimulate different cells in the body - some target and stimulate joint cells (through chondrocytes), some target skin cells (fibroblasts), some target bone cells (osteoblasts/clasts) and some target ligaments and tendons (ligamentocytes and tendocytes). Most collagen supplements that you see on the market are not backed by scientific research, so if you pick any old collagen, you’re generally getting product with a molecular size that is not targeted at any specific area, and may not actually generate any real benefits at all.

VERISOL® Bioactive Collagen Peptides are clinically proven to:

VERISOL® provides multiple benefits with the daily and effective low dose of 2.5 grams* VERISOL®.

A lime-colored sun icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Reduces wrinkles & fine lines

  • 32% less wrinkle depth
  • 23% less wrinkle volume

Proksch et al. (2014)

A terracotta-colored line icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Improves skin surface in cellulite

  • 11% reduction in skin waviness

Schunck et al. (2015)

A blue-colored wave icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Increases hair thickness

  • 31% increase in hair follicle cells

Oesser (2020)

A terracotta-colored two vertical line icon.

Increases elasticity*

  • 10% increase in skin elasticity

Proksch et al. (2014)

A blue-colored arrow line icon, the arrow is pointing upwards.

Improves nail growth & strength

  • 12% increase in nail growth rate
  • 42% reduction in broken nails

Hexsel et al. (2017)

Our ingredient standards include:


Dairy protein from pasture-raised cows

Grass is a natural food source for cows. The diet of the cows that supply milk to us is primarily made up of grass (96% on average). We know this because our suppliers, the New Zealand farmers, maintain extensive records on their farming practices, including the cow’s diet and feed consumption. The Fonterra Grass-fed standard that features on our packaging is independently certified annually by AsureQuality.
New Zealand's natural environment is ideal for growing grass because of its fertile soil, moderate temperatures and excellent rainfall, as well as abundant sunshine. Pasture's in New Zealand are primarily made up of clover and perennial rye grass, but this also includes grass silage, hay, and forage crops in the definition of pasture/grass. The combination of time on pasture and the care and skill of the farmers means New Zealand's milk products are full of flavor (1) and nutrition (2).

1 - Bendall, J.G. 2001. Aroma Compounds of fresh milk from New Zealand cows fed different diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: 4825-4832

2 - Brigitte H. Schwendel, Timothy J. Wester, Patrick C.H. Morel, Bertram Fong, Michael H. Tavendale, Craig Deadman, Nicola M. Shadbolt, Don E. Otter, Pasture feeding conventional cows removes differences between organic and conventionally produced milk, Food Chemistry,Volume 229, 2017, Pages 805-813


New Zealanders farm the way nature intended, with cows grazing on lush pastures

Grass is a natural food source for cows, and New Zealand is one of the few places in the world where cows can graze on grass year-round.

Following nature’s seasonal patterns

New Zealand milk production follows a natural pattern of pasture growth; cows begin producing milk at the time when grass growth picks up in early spring (August). Milk production peaks when grass growth rates are the highest (October). Then in the winter, when the grass growth is the lowest (as well as the nutrients it provides), the cows are generally rested.

Animal welfare

Pasture based grazing naturally provides a high level of animal welfare and allows cows to socially interact with other cows amongst the herd. Allowing animals to display their natural instincts, in a natural environment, reduces stress, reduces sickness, and the need for antibiotic use. Also, because traditional pasture systems follow the seasons, cows rest in winter, and make milk when the sun is shining.


Our ethos is to create sustainable, dairy-based active nutrition products, and we work with suppliers that have this common goal.  

We are on a journey to improve the sustainability of TAHA Health & Nutrition.

Our largest dairy ingredient supplier (Fonterra of New Zealand) is on a journey to create goodness for generations through sustainable nutrition. Fonterra has made giant strides towards achieving many environmental goals over the past decade with high efficiency, year-round pasture grazing and lower use of supplementary feeds, and they continue to improve their farming operations to reduce on-farm emissions.They have expert teams of Sustainable Dairying Advisors who work with each farmer to establish Farm Environment Plans, manage water use, soil health and biodiversity, nutrient management and no-till and low-till land management, amongst other things.

The carbon footprint on-farm for Fonterra milk production in New Zealand is 0.78kg CO2-e/kg FPCM (excluding land-use change), 0.91kg CO2-e/kg FPCM including land-use change (3)

The carbon footprint of New Zealand’s milk supply is approximately one-third of the global average of 2.5kg CO2-e/kg FPCM (4), and New Zealand farmers are committed to ongoing efforts to operate responsibly and sustainably.

Collectively, we are on a journey to zero emissions and zero waste across our supply chain. We are working to achieve zero waste to landfill and to have all packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025.

3 - Fonterra Sustainability Report 2019 https://view.publitas.com/fonterra/sustainability-report-2019/page/1

4 - FAO, 2018. “Climate Change and the Global Dairy Cattle Sector”, Report by FAO and GDP, 2018. http://www.fao.org/3/CA2929EN/ca2929en.pdf


All of our ingredients are carefully reviewed and selected as GMO free. We also ensure there are no growth hormones in our dairy protein - New Zealand actually bans the use of growth hormones (often called rBST or rBGH) in dairy cattle, so you can guarantee there's none in any of our TAHA Health & Nutrition products.


We only choose ingredients that come from natural sources, and that includes our flavors and sweeteners. They're always non-GMO and often organic, too!

We also try to stick with ingredients that naturally taste good and don't require a lot of flavor masking or blocking. Simplicity is the name of the game, so most of the ingredients that you see in our products are things that are traditionally known to do good - like fruits, vitamins and minerals.

We try not to use ingredients that are "the latest fad" or that seem cool, but taste awful.

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