Our dairy

We source most of our dairy proteins from Fonterra, a large dairy co-operative based in New Zealand that is owned by its farmers.

They have exceptional quality dairy products and, because of the traditional pasture farming methods they use, their dairy products have a lower carbon footprint than those made from other farming methods that are common globally.

Most New Zealand cows spend an average of 97% of their time outside on pasture, that's over 350 days per year, which is more than anywhere else in the world. Not only does that offer the cows freedom to roam, but they also create more nutritious milk than those that are fed grain. It's also better for the planet!

Fonterra utilizes third party companies to validate their on-farm, manufacturing and finished product quality standards, along with measuring the carbon footprint of their dairy products. That's important because it provides us here at TAHA with a great deal of confidence that we are supplying you with the very best dairy protein that we can find.

A mixture of five Holstein and Jersey cows is walking down a path most likely to be milked. The path is surrounded by green pastures and sloping hills and is located in the Waikato, New Zealand.

Grass-fed is best

Why choose grass-fed, free-range dairy?

Products from Grass-fed, or pasture-raised dairy cows offer a number of benefits over dairy from grain-fed animals. Below we outline the main differences in their nutrition factors.

Grass-fed is best

Benefit 01: Healthy People.

Grass-fed, free-range dairy provides superior human nutrition when compared to grain-fed dairy.

A lime-colored sun icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Grass-fed cows produce milk that contains approximately 125% more heart healthy CLA than milk from traditional concentrated or grain fed cows. CLA is a fatty acid that helps regulate the immune system and maintain cardiovascular health.

A lime-colored line icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Beta Carotene & Vitamin E

Grass-fed dairy has higher levels of these antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage to DNA. They can help to preserve eyesight, support immunity and bone density.

A lime-colored wave icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Grass-fed cows milk contains ~145% more Omega 3 fatty acid promoting eye and brain health and a better ratio of Omega 3 to 6 vs. conventional milk, which can help reduce cardiovascular disease and obesity.


Benefit 02: Healthy Planet​​

Grass-fed, free-range dairy is more environmentally friendly than intensive animal farming.

A blue-colored sun icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Carbon Sequestration

Grass cover means less erosion and ability for soil to hold carbon rather than releasing it into the atmosphere.​

A blue-colored line icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Biodiversity of insects & soil biology

Pasture provides a habitat for insect life and pollinators.

Manure provides fertilization for the soil to maintain soil biology.​

A blue-colored wave icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Reduced Emissions

Cows use their own bodily energy to feed as opposed to growing, harvesting and trucking feed into a feedlot. This results in ~30% less GHG emissions than confined animal operations. ​

Pasture-raised = happy cows

Benefit 03: Healthy Animals

Free-roaming cows on pasture enjoy a more natural life than those in a concentrated feed lot environment.

A terracotta-colored sun icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Less stress means happy cows

The ability to roam and graze in a natural environment can significantly reduce stress levels in cows, leading to better overall health and reduced incidence of stress-related illnesses.

A terracotta-colored line icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Freedom to express normal behavior, roam & forage

Cows are social animals that benefit from interacting with other cows. Free-roaming conditions allow for the establishment of natural social structures and behaviors, which are often restricted in confinement systems.

A terracotta-colored wave icon, one of the components of the TAHA logo.

Less sickness & antibiotic use when fed a diet of grass

Free-roaming cows are generally less exposed to the high concentration of pathogens found in crowded conditions, reducing the risk of disease outbreaks and the need for antibiotics.

Our dairy ingredient standards include:

Grass-fed dairy

Dairy protein from pasture raised cows

Grass is a natural food source for cows. The diet of the cows that supply milk to us is primarily made up of grass (96% on average). We know this because our suppliers, the New Zealand farmers, maintain extensive records on their farming practices, including the cow’s diet and feed consumption. The Fonterra Grass-fed standard that features on our packaging is independently certified annually by AsureQuality.
New Zealand's natural environment is ideal for growing grass because of its fertile soil, moderate temperatures and excellent rainfall, as well as abundant sunshine. New Zealand's pasture is mostly made up of clover and perennial rye grass, but also includes grass silage, hay, and forage crops in the definition of pasture/grass. The combination of time on pasture and the care and skill of the farmers means New Zealand's milk products are full of flavor (1) and nutrition (2).

1 - Bendall, J.G. 2001. Aroma Compounds of fresh milk from New Zealand cows fed different diets. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49: 4825-4832

2 - Brigitte H. Schwendel, Timothy J. Wester, Patrick C.H. Morel, Bertram Fong, Michael H. Tavendale, Craig Deadman, Nicola M. Shadbolt, Don E. Otter, Pasture feeding conventional cows removes differences between organic and conventionally produced milk, Food Chemistry,Volume 229, 2017, Pages 805-813

Free-range dairy

New Zealanders farm the way nature intended, with cows grazing on lush pastures

Grass is a natural food source for cows, and New Zealand is one of the few places in the world where cows can graze on grass year-round.

Following nature’s seasonal patterns

New Zealand milk production follows a natural pattern of pasture growth; cows begin producing milk at the time when grass growth picks up in early spring (August). Milk production peaks when grass growth rates are the highest (October). Then in the winter, when the grass growth is the lowest (as well as the nutrients it provides), the cows are generally rested.

Animal welfare

Pasture based grazing naturally provides a high level of animal welfare and allows cows to socially interact with other cows amongst the herd. Allowing animals to display their natural instincts, in a natural environment, reduces stress, reduces sickness, and the need for antibiotic use. Also, because traditional pasture systems follow the seasons, cows rest in winter, and make milk when the sun is shining.

Climate responsibility

Our ethos is to create sustainable, dairy-based active nutrition products, and we work with suppliers that have this common goal.  

We are on a journey to improve the sustainability of TAHA Health & Nutrition.

Our largest dairy ingredient supplier (Fonterra of New Zealand) is on a journey to create goodness for generations through sustainable nutrition. Fonterra has made giant strides towards achieving many environmental goals over the past decade with high efficiency, year-round pasture grazing and lower use of supplementary feeds, and they continue to improve their farming operations to reduce on-farm emissions.They have expert teams of Sustainable Dairying Advisors who work with each farmer to establish Farm Environment Plans, manage water use, soil health and biodiversity, nutrient management and no-till and low-till land management, amongst other things.

In New Zealand, for the 2021/22 milk season, the estimated cradle-to-farm-gate carbon intensity, including land use change (LUC) and peat soils, is 1.03 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram of fat-and-protein-corrected milk (kg CO2-e/kg FPCM). Excluding land use change and peat soils this is 0.86 kg CO2-e/kg FPCM (3).

The carbon footprint of New Zealand’s milk supply is approximately one-third of the global average of 2.5kg CO2-e/kg FPCM (4), and New Zealand farmers are committed to ongoing efforts to operate responsibly and sustainably. New Zealand has introduced mandatory climate risk disclosures from FY24 onwards.

Collectively, we are on a journey to reduce emissions and waste across our supply chain, while continuing to provide a meaningful contribution to nutrition and health for people globally.

3 - Fonterra Sustainability Report 2023 https://view.publitas.com/fonterra/2023-sustainability-report/page/1

4 - FAO, 2018. “Climate Change and the Global Dairy Cattle Sector”, Report by FAO and GDP, 2018. http://www.fao.org/3/CA2929EN/ca2929en.pdf

GMO & growth hormone free

All of our ingredients are carefully reviewed and selected as GMO free. We also ensure there are no growth hormones in our dairy protein - New Zealand actually bans the use of growth hormones (often called rBST or rBGH) in dairy cattle, so you can guarantee there's none in any of our TAHA Health & Nutrition products.

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