Questions about our products

If you can't find your answer here, please drop us a message.

Product manufacturing

Does heat impact the product?

We recommend that TAHA Health & Nutrition products are kept in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight (i.e. your pantry!), and ideally are stored at temperatures not exceeding 25c/77F. However, we have not seen any issues where temperature has impacted the product quality to date.

Is our WPI processed via Ion Exchange or Microfiltration?

TAHA WPI is manufactured using the ion exchange process that selectively isolates specific protein components, allowing other elements (carbohydrates, fats, and minerals) to be removed, resulting in a purer, higher protein finished product. Basically, the Ion Exchange process means that liquid whey is sent through a column that collects the proteins and separates them based on differences in their net charge. The rest of the molecules (lactose and minerals) are removed and further processed into different products.  Ion exchange allows the selection and retention of all functional and nutritional proteins in whey, including bioactive proteins such as immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, meaning more of the “good” is kept inside the product. The product then goes through a cold process ultrafiltration step to concentrate the proteins and is then evaporated and dried to create the purest protein on the planet!

Are TAHA protein powders third-party tested?

All TAHA products are tested for food safety parameters (chemical, microbiological and physical) at the following locations:

  1. The ingredient manufacturer – dairy proteins, flavors, and other ingredients that are blended together to create the final product
  2. The co-manufacturer who blends the above ingredients and packages the protein powder under our TAHA brand

We also complete additional testing at:

  1. 3P Laboratories who run the nutritional analysis on certain batches of product to ensure that they meet the nutritional facts panel data
  2. 3P Laboratories who test for Glyphosate residue for The Detox Project.
Are the mono and di-glycerides vegetarian?

Yes, the mono and di-glycerides in our product are plant-derived.

Is our dairy protein tested for heavy metals?

Yes our dairy protein is tested for Heavy Metals via a national testing program New Zealand and also periodically tested in independent labs in New Zealand and in the US.

Below is further information on the New Zealand testing program:

New Zealand's raw milk supply is monitored through the National Chemical Contaminants Program (NCCP), operated by New Zealand's Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). The program has been effective in confirming that dairy products are free of chemical residues at levels that could pose a threat to human health or to international trade. NCCP testing has shown that raw milk is very low in heavy metal contaminants and provide assurance that the entire NZ Dairy Industry being free of harmful levels of heavy metals.

Our dairy protein is periodically tested by IANZ accredited external laboratories for heavy metals and other elements of interest. Our products have shown to be very low in these contaminants. TAHA Health & Nutrition confirms that no heavy metals are added to products and any levels detected are naturally occurring in milk.

Link to general information about the program: here

Link to the elements tested under the NCCP and the limits allowable: here

Is our protein "cold processed"?

It’s a question we get asked quite a lot….and the answer is “it depends”. Other than rare sources of raw milk (e.g. raw milk cheese) that aren’t relevant to TAHA Health & Nutrition products, all commercially available milk and dairy products in the USA are heat-treated for food safety reasons. This process is called pasteurization, where milk is briefly heated to 161°F for 15 seconds to remove harmful bacteria. Food law also requires milk and dairy products to be pasteurized before being exported from New Zealand.

Pasteurization is a heat step, but it has very little impact on milk proteins, and all major milk proteins remain in their original/native state. Our supplier of whey proteins has a variety of ingredients specially designed and processed for optimal nutrition and functionality in the finished products you receive.

For ready-to-mix powders, the processing is as gentle and cool as possible to ensure optimal solubility, so you can enjoy a smooth shake. On the other hand, whey protein for nutrition bars undergoes higher heat processing to create a more enjoyable texture. Despite this, the nutritional benefits remain the same.

The “Cold Processed” question often comes from the idea that heat denatures protein molecules, potentially impacting their nutritional value. While extreme heat can lead to amino acid loss, the dairy industry does not use these high-heat processes today, and they are not applied to our ingredients.

Is our protein “undenatured”?

This is a question we get asked frequently, and the answer is: it depends.

Protein denaturation refers to a change in the structure of a protein from its original, native state to a new form. Think of it like a ball of string unraveling. Denaturation can be caused by various factors, including heat, acid, or agitation.

Milk protein consists of two main types:

Casein: Naturally heat-stable but denatures (gels) when exposed to acid (such as when making yogurt or adding lemon juice to milk).

Whey protein: More sensitive to heat, which is the primary cause of whey protein denaturation. You may have noticed this when heating milk—the thin skin that forms on top is denatured whey protein.

How Does This Affect Our Protein?

Our supplier produces a range of whey proteins for different applications. Some are minimally processed and retain their native structure (“undenatured proteins”), while others undergo higher levels of denaturation depending on their intended use.

For protein shakes: The processing is as gentle and cool as possible to maintain solubility, ensuring a smooth texture when mixed with liquid.

For nutrition bars: Higher heat processing is used to create better texture and flavor, ensuring bars remain soft and enjoyable to eat over time.

Does Denaturation Affect Nutrition?

Not necessarily. While denaturation changes the structure of a protein, it does not destroy its nutritional value. Your body can still digest and utilize the amino acids and nutrients just as effectively.

In fact, many common proteins we consume are denatured—think about cooking an egg or grilling a steak. While their structure changes with heat, they remain highly nutritious and, in some cases, become easier to digest.

Controlled denaturation can actually be beneficial, as it improves texture, solubility, and digestibility depending on the application. For example:

In protein bars: Highly denatured whey retains a soft, stable texture, preventing bars from becoming hard and chewy over time.

In shakes and powders: More native proteins ensure better solubility, leading to a smoother mixing experience.

The Bottom Line

All protein undergoes some level of denaturation during processing, but this does not reduce its nutritional value or effectiveness. The key is using the right processing method for each application—which is exactly what we do at TAHA Nutrition.

Health & dietary considerations

What are the benefits of using protein powder?

Protein powder supports muscle growth, recovery, weight management, and overall health by providing a high-quality source of protein. It helps repair muscle tissues, promotes lean muscle mass, and can aid in satiety, making it beneficial for both athletes and those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

Are there any side effects of consuming protein powder?

Most people tolerate protein powder well. However, if you have lactose intolerance or allergies, you may experience mild digestive issues. TAHA Nutrition’s grass-fed whey is made for easy digestion, but if you have specific concerns, consult with your doctor before adding protein powder to your diet.

Can kids take protein powder?

TAHA Nutrition protein powder can be a great nutritional supplement for active kids and teenagers, especially those involved in sports or with higher protein needs. However, protein should primarily come from whole foods, and we recommend consulting a pediatrician before adding protein supplements to a child’s diet to ensure it's appropriate for their individual needs.

Is protein powder safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?

Protein is essential during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but we recommend consulting a healthcare professional before using any supplements, including TAHA Nutrition protein powder.

Can I use protein powder if I have dietary restrictions or allergies?

TAHA Nutrition protein powder is gluten-free and free from artificial additives. However, if you have dairy allergies or severe lactose intolerance, consult your doctor before consuming whey protein.

Can protein powder help with weight loss?

Yes! Protein powder can aid in weight management by promoting satiety and reducing cravings. When combined with a balanced diet and exercise, protein helps preserve lean muscle mass while supporting fat loss.

Can protein powder make you gain weight?

Protein powder itself does not cause weight gain, but consuming too many calories overall (from any food source) can contribute to weight gain. TAHA Nutrition’s low-calorie, high-protein formula supports lean muscle development and helps control hunger. Read more about this topic on the TAHA blog here

Farming & animal welfare

What does ‘Grass-fed’ mean?

There is no international standard that defines the term ‘Grass-fed’. For our suppliers, ‘Grass-fed’ means that our cows in New Zealand have access to pasture year-round and their diet consists predominately of grass and grass products such as grass silage, hay and forage crops (mainly legumes and brassica). For our suppliers cows in NZ, 96% is the current grass-fed percentage on a ‘as consumed’ basis. This data is reviewed annually and the average is measured over the previous three seasons data and subject to minor variation.

Does a Non Grass Diet really make a difference to a cow, or to me?

Yes, it does. Cows are ruminants which means that they are made to eat and digest grass and other pasture plants. When they are put onto a diet of grain or corn, they get sick more often which leads to unhealthy and unhappy animals and increased use of antibiotics. While those antibiotics don't end up in your food (all milk is tested and must be free of antibiotic residues), what it can cause is an increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria in animals, which has a knock on effect to other animals and therefore can impact our food chain and eventually, us.

Should animals go into barns in winter?

Yes, if it's too cold for them and it puts them in danger. But New Zealand is different from parts of the United States, where it gets very cold. New Zealand has a temperate to subtropical climate, so the cows can stay outdoors all year, roaming freely and eating as much grass as they please.

What makes up the remaining 4% of a cow’s ‘as consumed’ diet?

Because our suppliers farm the way that nature intended, they are subject to environmental conditions and there are times when grass growth is low e.g. if New Zealand experience a drought. During these times, pasture management practices and/or feeding of supplements may be used. Supplementary feeding ensures cows receive adequate nutrition and animal welfare requirements are met. Supplementary feeds mainly used on our supplier's New Zealand farms are maize silage, concentrates and palm kernel extract.

How do you know that our suppliers cows spend more time on pasture than anywhere else in the world?

To substantiate the Access to Pasture Claims our supplier has compared their dairying system in New Zealand to major dairying competitor countries. Our supplier identified the top 15 dairy exporting countries (including New Zealand), based on their annual dairy product export volumes in 2017. Of these top 15 dairy exporting countries, only Ireland operates a similar pasture-based model to New Zealand. Other countries with non-pasture grazed farming systems will not compete with New Zealand or Ireland in terms of time on pasture due to the amount of time spent in housed environments. Our supplier has data that supports that their dairy cows in New Zealand spend more time on pasture than dairy cows in Ireland. Based on Irish data presented in O’Brien et al. 2018, dairy cows in Ireland have access to pasture, on average, 255 days per year. In New Zealand, data from our supplier 2017-18 dairy season Farm Dairy Records show that our our suppliers New Zealand cows spend, on average, 97% of their non-milking time outside on pasture which is more than 350 days of a year.

Usage & storage

What's the difference between whey protein and whey protein isolate?

Whey protein and whey protein isolate both provide high-quality protein, but they differ in processing and composition. Whey protein concentrate contains more natural fats and carbohydrates, while whey protein isolate undergoes additional filtration to remove most of the fat and lactose, resulting in a higher protein content per serving. Learn more about the differences here.

Do you have an Amino Acid profile for your protein powders?

Yes! You can find the full Amino Acid Profile for our protein powders here.

How should I incorporate protein powder into my diet?

TAHA Nutrition protein powder can be used in shakes, smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, baking, and even savory recipes like soups and sauces. Use it post-workout for muscle recovery, as a meal replacement, or as a healthy snack to keep you full and energized.

How much protein do I need daily?

Protein needs vary based on age, activity level, and fitness goals:

  • Sedentary individuals: 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight.
  • Active individuals: 1.2–2.0g per kg of body weight.
  • Athletes or those looking to build muscle: 1.6–2.4g per kg of body weight.
When is the best time to consume protein powder?
  • Post-workout – Helps muscle recovery and growth.
  • Morning – Kickstarts your day with sustained energy.
  • Between meals – Curbs hunger and prevents overeating.
  • Before bed – Supports overnight muscle repair.
How should I store protein powder to maintain freshness?

Store TAHA Nutrition protein powder in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep the lid tightly sealed to maintain freshness and prevent clumping. Avoid storing it in the refrigerator, as condensation may affect the texture.

How many tablespoons is one serving?

We recommend a 30g serve, which is approximately 2 tablespoons. There is a scoop in the bag but sometimes if gets buried in the powder, so you might have to take a fork and dig around for it!

Where is the expiry date?

It's printed on the underside of the pouch. Because our powder products are low in fat, they will typically last for about 2 years.

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